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Florence Township
Strategic Plan

Thank you...

The Florence Township School District Strategic Planning process, completed during the 2020-2021 academic year, could not have occurred without the support, cooperation, and dedication of the Florence Township School District Board of Education, staff, parents, students, administrators, community members, and Jesse Adams Jr. and Terri Lewis Field Service Representatives,

Strategic Presentation

Mission Statement

The Florence Township School District, in partnership with students, families, and the community, will provide a diverse, challenging, and enriching academic experience with the goal of developing independent, creative, successful individuals who are ethical and responsible contributing members of society. The district commits itself to creating a high achieving educational environment in which all children will be able to reach their full potential and excel in a changing world.

  • Goal #1 - Student Achievement
    Goal Statement - Increase student achievement and social-emotional well-being for all students – inside and outside of the classroom – so that they are best prepared for continued success both during their time within the Florence Twp. School District and afterwards (universities, technical schools, military, and/or job market), thus becoming contributing members of society.
    Objectives -
    a. Add courses and programs that reflect the diverse needs and backgrounds of our learners and our community.
    b Integrate SEL into daily curricular activities throughout the district.
    c. Provide the students within our school system new, exciting, and relevant extracurricular opportunities.
    d. Add career and technical, STEAM, and similarly beneficial enrichment programs/courses.
    e. Add AP courses to the Program of Studies at our high school that reflect our students’ interests and needs.
  • Goal #2 - Student & Staff Health and Wellness/Whole Child
    Goal Statement - Promote and foster  safe and secure learning environments that elevate the physical, social and emotional wellness of students, staff, families and community stakeholders.
    a. Provide supportive learning environments that are responsive to students’ needs. (ie PBSIS, restorative practices, positive risk taking, student voice, etc.)
    b. Promote character development that models and encourages positive actions, accountability, perseverance, and resiliency amongst staff and students.
    c. Develop and implement opportunities for local service learning projects for students in all grade levels (ex. Naming the Homeless, clean up days, gardening, etc.)
    d. Identify and implement programs that promote physical health, nutrition, and responsibility. (Girls on the Run, Extracurricular Activities, DARE, Breakfast Program)
    e. Allow for professional learning for staff and adult community leaders that provides consistency of SEL best practices such as Trauma Informed Instruction  and Mental Health First Aid across grade levels.
  • Goal #3 - Funding/Facilities/Infrastructure
    Goal Statement - Cultivate realistic, sustainable, stable funding  to achieve improvements in the areas of facilities, technology and other strategic objectives. 
    a. Retention of student body - Kindergarten, 7th-9th grade, special education 
    b. Increase membership and fundraising activities in the Florence Township Education Foundation 
    c. Proactively increase partnerships with the local, county and state governments as well as local stakeholders
    d. Continual improvement and upgrading technology, including infrastructure, professional development, and devices 
    e. Actively implement and facilitate improvements to the buildings and grounds in a prioritized manner
  • Goal #4 - Balanced Equity and Diversity
    Goal Statement - Cultivate a culture that embraces diverse staffing, appreciation for various cultures and a curriculum in which diversity and equity are integrated. 
    a. Continue working to establish a staff whose make up is reflective of the school community.
    b. Continue to work towards achieving a gender balance of teaching and administrative staff at all levels of the school district.
    c. Continue highlighting the cultures of each of the diverse groups that comprise the school community.
    d. Work to ensure that diversity and equity are reflected in the pre-k-12 curriculum.
    Continue to develop a district culture having a foundation built on equitable practices in curricular and extra-curricular offerings, technology e. and non-technology resources, and college/career/special education opportunities.
  • Goal #5 - Communication & Community Engagement
    Goal Statement - Build strong partnerships with families and the community by focusing on communication, collaboration, and consistency to promote a system of care, support, and extended learning opportunities for all students.  
    a. Ensure open and transparent communication with internal and external stakeholders.
    b. Expand opportunities for family and community involvement, starting at an early age and continuing beyond graduation, that will build a culture of pride in our school district.
    c. Continue to highlight student and alumni achievements and school events through a multitude of media outlets.
    d. Expand outreach of our alumni and our broad community network to expose students to various career paths and opportunities.
    e. Increase collaboration between community, families and the school district in decision making.