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Florence Township
Special Services

About Us

The Florence Township School District Department of Special Services provides assistance to students with disabilities between the ages of three through twenty-one. There are a variety of services available including Child Study Team diagnostic services, special education, transition, and related services. All personnel servicing students with disabilities are appropriately certified and licensed, where a license and certification are required.

Our Child Study Team includes a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant, a School Psychologist and a Social Worker, who together conduct all Child Study Team services.All students with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services, regardless of the severity of their disability, are located, identified and evaluated according to N.J.A.C.6A:14:3.3. Decisions regarding students are made collaboratively by the Child Study Team Members, the parent(s)/guardian(s), and any other individuals having knowledge of the child.

The Florence Township School District offers a full continuum of educational services in the Least Restrictive Environment to students who have been identified as Eligible for Special Education and Related Services. Educational opportunities include placement in general education with supplementary aids and supports, in-class resource programs, replacement resource programs, and special class programs in district and out-of-district.


What is a Child Study Team? A Child Study Team (CST) is a team of professionals designed to evaluate children for special education services. The basic CST consists of a school psychologist, a learning disabilities/teacher-consultant, school social worker, and can include other related services professionals such as speech-language specialists.

The Florence Township Public School District offers free services to preschool children with special needs. Information, professional guidance and an education program, if needed, are all available, free of charge, through the Florence Township Public School District. If you know of a child who may be having difficulties, please call the Office of Special Education of the Florence Township Public School District at (phone) 609-499-4600 ext 2017. All information is strictly confidential.​

Use the following developmental checklist to help you determine if your child could benefit from a special education program and seek help early! (
Developmental Checklist)

When a family is concerned that a child may be developmentally or educationally delayed, the first thing they want is more information. Professionals who work with the child and family may also need information - important information that can help ensure that services are in place to meet the child's educational needs.

The New Jersey State Department of Education has established Project CHILD FIND, a free public awareness and referral service, to assist families, professionals and interested individuals by identifying available early intervention, preschool disabilities and special education programs and services throughout New Jersey. (To learn more about Project CHILD FIND click here)

Project CHILD FIND provides information on resources which may include state, local and community programs offering child and family support, educational programs, social services, health and other specialized services. Assisting families and professionals in finding appropriate resources and special services for children is the primary goal to Project CHILD FIND.

Some children are born with, or may later contract, physical or mental conditions which delay their normal growth and development. If parents recognize the special needs of their children early, and if they seek help from professionals who care, then the better will be their children’s chances of reaching their full potential.

Project CHILD FIND is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved/under-served youth with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age.

In addition, Project CHILD FIND develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and special education programs throughout New Jersey.

Information through Project CHILD FIND may be obtained by calling the toll-free number, 1-800-322-8174, which is in service 7 days a week, 24-hours a day. All calls received are confidential.

*Project CHILD FIND is a service of the New Jersey Department of Education to help identify under-served disabled children birth to 21 years of age. Project CHILD FIND is funded through a grant from the United States Department of Education.(Click here to Learn More about Project CHILD FIND in BurliCST Fax # (609) 499-0259                                                                                                                                

Special Education In Florence Township School District
Special Education in the Florence Township Public Schools is distinguished by the following characteristics:

• Comprehensive evaluation of a student’s learning and behavioral characteristics;
• Instruction by teachers trained and certified in the education of children with special needs;
• Instruction provided in classes maximizing optimal class size while considering the least restrictive environment;
• Instruction tailored to students’ skills and needs;
• Use of specialized methods, materials and equipment, if necessary, and determined by the IEP team;
• Ongoing monitoring of student’s progress and program with revision, if necessary.
• Provision of related services as determined to be educationally based and outlined in the IEP